Good Friday – Laudato Si’ Journey
Good Friday is the day of silence at Golgotha. Today apparently a death scene is taking place, but in reality it is a new Creation.
Good Friday is the day of silence at Golgotha. Today apparently a death scene is taking place, but in reality it is a new Creation.
This Holy Thursday presents us with Jesus’ solitude in Gethsemane. How does the Lord teach us to pray in the face of the evil in the world?
Discover April Laudato Si’ Monthly Prayer Guide, we pray to truly listen and become aware of the different dimensions of the climate crisis.
Palm Sunday presents us with Jesus entering Jerusalem. What does the Lord ask of us today? His gentle gaze amazes us!
The fifth Sunday of Lent presents the image of the grain of wheat which Jesus uses to offer us a glimpse of his cross.
Contemplation can help us to cultivate ecological virtues of gratitude, repentance, interior peace, humility, sobriety.