photo by Jornada Mundial de la Juventud

As Catholics united in hope and working for a better tomorrow, let us come together to pray for the climate crisis and all of God’s creation that needlessly suffers from the crisis.

Prayer: For our gaze, that it may overcome the veil that obscures us and see with clear eyes the immense beauty of God’s creation, manifestation of the merciful love of God the Creator, we pray to you.

Response: Lord, hear our prayer.

Prayer: Our God, God the Father, infuse gratitude in every member of the faithful, so that they may recognize their mission to provide for the support of nature and the creatures that inhabit it: humans, animals, plants, minerals, manifestations of the Holy Spirit.

That this grace may move our every step, our every action, our every expression, enveloping us in a song that brings harmony near and far, in every moment and in every situation, to build bridges and peace on Earth. We pray to the Lord.

Response: Lord, hear our prayer.

Prayer: For our mission to leave a better and livable earth for our children, that as families we may be eco-educators to inspire in our young people a great love for caring for the common home. We pray to the Lord.

Response: Lord, hear our prayer.

Prayer: May our common home be steadfast, luminous, peaceful, and hospitable to all of God’s creation. Let no one, Lord, come to our house without being received. Let no one mourn there without being comforted. Let no one return without finding you in prayer, love and peace.

Response: Lord, hear our prayer.

Prayer: For our daily life, that it may be filled with thoughts and concrete gestures that witness to those around us our attention, our commitment and care for our common home, we pray to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Response: Lord, hear our prayer.

Prayer: Lord, we ask for forgiveness once more in destroying so much of your common home. We have had the task of being a good guardian but instead we have plundered our Mother Earth!

Forgive us, Lord, and open the eyes of our hearts so that we may grow in awareness of taking care of our brothers and sisters, especially the most abandoned and forgotten, and of the Earth and all that it contains.

Response: Lord, hear our prayer.

Thanks to the Italian Ecospirituality Team for their help in writing these powerful prayers. Have some prayers or other resources you’d like to share with this movement? Email us today.

More about how Catholics are praying and taking action against climate crisis