#PrayingForYou #COP28 #SeasonOfCreation
Pray with us for
climate justice
The climate crisis is growing. We need those who hold positions of power to act justly. We want you to pray with us for climate justice and take action by sharing your prayers with COP28 negotiators and political leaders.
Pray, individually, with your family or with a larger group, for those who hold positions of power and agency to act justly, especially with regards to international climate negotiations.
How to participate?
Show important leaders that you are praying for them by tagging them on social media alongside a picture of ecological injustice close to you. Use the hashtags #PrayingForYou #COP28 #SeasonOfCreation
If you can, bring people together to hold a prayer service in a location impacted by climate change and communicate statements, pictures, and stories with your government leader, encouraging them to adopt ambitious targets and policies to mitigate the climate crisis.

#Prayingforyou #COP28 #SeasonOfCreation
This year, the Season of Creation celebration guide invites you to “put pressure on your governments to make honest, just and righteous decisions in global forums and to fulfill financial commitments to loss and damage and to biodiversity. Encourage them to reach binding global agreements that eliminate the use of fossil fuels and achieve a fair and equitable energy transition.”
You may find these resources useful to share with your community:



Biodiversity and climate change
#Prayingforyou #COP28 #SeasonOfCreation
Share your story
Send a prayer, story or image of climate or biodiversity injustice to COP negotiators to encourage them to take bolder COP actions.
Sharing your experience you can also encourage your brothers and sisters to do the same. Do not hesitate!