Photo by Steve Mushero on Unsplash
Each week during Laudato Si’ Lent 2022, Laudato Si’ Movement proposes a theme that will help you live out this Lenten season. We invite you to pray about that intention every day of that week. This week’s theme is “Listening to the voice of the poor.”
We also feature a weekly question for reflection to help you deepen your action according to the Lenten commitment you have chosen to live this season.
This week’s question is: How does your Lenten commitment impact the life of the poor directly or indirectly?
In Laudato Si’, Pope Francis repeatedly reminds us that, “It cannot be emphasized enough how everything is interconnected” (LS 138).
We ask that you consider how the gifts we receive are often taken for granted, and how you can make a difference in others’ lives through your generosity.
Remember that there are several ways to give to those less fortunate. As you reach out to others with your time, money, food, clothing, your ears, your touch, your heart, or connecting through your kind eyes, you will surely have a positive impact that will ripple throughout your community. If you need help getting started and finding a way forward, please see here for opportunities to get involved and here for ways to financially support LSM.
“It is the cry of all those Lazaruses who weep while the wealthy few feast on what, in justice, belongs to all. Injustice is the perverse root of poverty. The cry of the poor daily becomes stronger but heard less, drowned out by the din of the rich few, who grow ever fewer and more rich.” -Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Basilica’s Holy Mass on the World Day of the Poor in 2018.
You are invited to pray and join us for this Friday’s Way of the Cross (11am UTC (12pm Kinshasa/ 12pm Paris/ 7am Québec):
This week’s prayer: “Prayer for fundamental human rights”
God of Justice, we pray for the courage and determination to defend fundamental human rights. We ask for the courage to actively combat poverty, inequality, lack of work, land and housing, and the denial of social and labor rights.
We pray for equality, that there would not be first, second or third class people; much less the so-called “disposable”.
We also pray for those who defend human rights.
For those who risk their lives while fighting for fundamental rights under dictatorships,
authoritarian regimes and even in democracies in crisis,
that they may see their sacrifice and their work bear abundant fruit. Amen.
Prayer based on Pope Francis’ prayer intention for fundamental human rights.
By Ana Carolina Gutierrez, LSM Spiritual consultant, Italy.
Join us for this Friday’s Way of the Cross at 11am UTC (12pm Kinshasa/ 12pm Paris/ 7am Québec)
A very beautiful and inspiring newsletter! THANKYOU from Catherine Adelaide Australia