By Fr. Lluc Torcal O. Cist., General Procurator, LSM theological consultant

Inspired by Lk 16: 19-31

The Gospel we have just read is one of those texts that touches everyone: whether we are Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, believers of other religions or even non-believers, this Gospel is for everyone.

First, it tells us that in this world we are called to share the goods we receive, especially the goods of Creation. And that our eternal future will be decided by how we share these goods. Not based on what we believe or disbelieve, but on the basis of how we share the goods we receive with others, especially those in need.

If the rich man had fed the poor man Lazarus, then he would now be sharing Abraham’s table with him. But the rich man forgot that his wealth was not his own, but ultimately came from God and was therefore meant to be shared with others.

Just as creation is common to all humanity, common to all faiths, and therefore all, especially believers, should care for it, as the Pope said in LS 64: “It is good for humanity and the world at large when we believers better recognize the ecological commitments which stem from our convictions”; so the message of sharing the goods of that same creation is a message common to all faiths, a message common to all God’s prophets and a call to all humanity. For as we treat creation and share our goods with our sisters and brothers, so will our life be with God when He calls us to leave this world.