ELSiA’s Survey Launch Press Conference: Do Catholics care about ecology?

ELSiA’s Survey Launch Press Conference: Do Catholics care about ecology? “Do Catholics care about ecology?". From the beautiful Franciscan roof (on Saint Peter) this is the first comprehensive survey ever conducted in Europe, including 20 episcopal conferences and more than 280 projects. It will unveil the conclusions and key findings from the voice of several European Bishops (including president of the French Bishop Conference) as well as the grassroot experience (showcase some inspiring practices and projects) in order to show European media Catholics’ concern for climate two weeks before EU elections. Registration here. The program will begin at 11AM CET. *ELSiA is the European alliance of catholic organizations to promote the Laudato Si’ message, they gather CIDSE, Caritas EU, Jesuits (JESC), Salesians (Don Bosco international) and Justice and peace (present in all Bishop conferences) and COMECE (European Bishops). The event will be important as it will gather for the first time several Bishops from Europe, a Vatican representative, seven Universities and ecological representatives from dioceses in European countries and will show how much Catholics are committed in all Europe.

Press Conference: Pope’s Message for Creation Day 2024

During Laudato Si' Week, on Thursday, May 23, the Pope's Message for Creation Day 2024 will be announced at a Press Conference. The World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation is celebrated every September 1 and marks the beginning of the Time of Creation, which concludes on October 4, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. The theme " Hope and act with Creation" is inspired by St. Paul's Letter to the Romans (Rom 8:19-25), in which the apostle acknowledges that "the whole creation groans and suffers" but reminds us that because "in hope we have been saved" we wait "steadfastly."