Illustration by Cristian Daniel Camargo
It’s tempting to start the new year with lists and lists of what we want to accomplish. We see a fresh calendar and with it, endless possibilities.
But Pope Francis asks us to be more focused with our New Year’s intentions. His Holiness has only one goal for us during the next 12 months: create a culture of care.
After a trying year that was scarred by the COVID-19 pandemic and multiple crises — climate, economic, migration, among others — Pope Francis said that these events “taught us how important it is to care for one another and for creation in our efforts to build a more fraternal society.”
It’s time to build a “culture of care,” he said on the celebration of the 54th World Day of Peace.
Such a culture would overcome “indifference, waste and confrontation,” and help all of us deepen our ecological conversion.
Ancient stories, such as the biblical account of Cain and Abel, along with newer documents, including Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ encyclical, show that “everything is interconnected, and that genuine care for our own lives and our relationship with nature is inseparable from fraternity, justice and faithfulness to others.”
One way to help create a culture of care is by participating in the Global Laudato Si’ Monthly Prayer Services, which are held every first Friday of the month and set aside time for all of this movement to hear creation’s song, cry, and invitation.
One continent is featured each month, and the rotating of hosts gives everyone a chance to learn more about that part of the world as the music, creation’s song, cry, and invitation all hail from the featured region.
The services highlight a moving guest speaker and an interactive prayer that helps all members of this movement come together.
The next Global Laudato Si’ Monthly Prayer Service will take place 5 February. Join the prayer service and connect with this global movement in prayer.