Putting on the Mind of Christ: The Inner Work of Christian Spirituality
A proper understanding of what Jesus meant by “the Kingdom of Heaven” is essential to Christian spirituality. The Kingdom of Heaven was the central theme of Jesus’ preaching ministry. By the “Kingdom of Heaven,” Jesus meant a particular level of human consciousness, not a place to which Christians are destined after death.
Unfortunately, most church officials and theologians today do not understand Jesus’ concept of the Kingdom. Using Mother Teresa and Jesus as examples, we can see that the two chief characteristics of the nondual consciousness of the Kingdom of Heaven are a lack of separation between God and humans and a lack of separation between human beings.
For any Christian serious about spirituality, a proper understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven is essential. In fact, the most critical spiritual mistake we Christians normally make is in failing to understand what Jesus meant by the phrases “the Kingdom of Heaven” and “the Kingdom of God.” This mistake is so basic because, once made, it can throw our spirituality off on the wrong track for the rest of our lives, with unfortunate consequences that we may realize fully only after our deaths.
Most Christians believe that the Kingdom of Heaven is a place and that, if we lead virtuous lives, we will enter this Kingdom of Heaven after we die. Many Christians today find encouragement for this belief in the dozens of books that have appeared over the last twenty years telling of the “near death experiences” (NDEs) of people who have almost died and then recovered. These documented experiences seem to clearly indicate that, after death, we will go to a place filled with love, light, peace, and joy, the place we Christians normally refer to as “heaven”…Where we Christians have made a costly mistake, in terms of our own spiritual growth, is in thinking that this after-death “heaven” is the Kingdom of Heaven Jesus dedicated virtually all of his preaching ministry to tell us about. It is not. Though Jesus acknowledged that an after-death heaven existed, Jesus devoted his preaching, not to that heaven, but to a Kingdom of Heaven that he said was here and now, near, “at hand” (Mark 1:15).
The principal message that Jesus brought to us was the Gospel or “Good News” of the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew, the author of the earliest Gospel, begins his account of Jesus’ public ministry with these words: “From that time Jesus began to preach his message, “Turn away from your mistaken thinking, because the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.’” (Matt. 4:17). By “at hand” Jesus meant “here,” “right in front of our faces,” “in our midst.” A few verses later Matthew writes, “Jesus went all over Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the Good News of the Kingdom, and healing people from every kind of disease and sickness” (Matt. 4:23). In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus described the type of people who inhabit the Kingdom of Heaven, namely the meek, the merciful, the peacemakers, and the pure in heart (Matt. 5:1-10). He told us that we should “seek first” the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 6:33), that is, that the realization of the Kingdom of Heaven should be the principal goal of every Christian’s life. And he promised his immediate disciples that some of them…
Very interesting and simple to understand, but billions of people have prepared their minds towards a specific place above the Skye, expecting the decending saviour in the Skye. For that purpose it is an Avenue for the so called pastors to delude people’s, turning people’s bread, eating them raw , business centres in Africans. What can we do so as to alleviate people from the boundage of religion ?
The Truth is that salvation is believing that Jesus died for your sins taking yr place, as Substitute for punishment, and confessing Jesus as yr Saviour.
Become His witness …..and Disciple, and forsaking sin yr living, thereby becoming a member of His kingdom to be raptured when He comes back for you. Simple.
His disciples and servants,( pastors) are to prepare His people for His forming back….training and encouraging; its not deluding anybody. Be free and sensible, follow His words in the Bible and live free.
Very well put concerning the kingdom of heaven so I must share; but enlightenment of the kingdom truly came to me after being delivered from the world religion of Christianity. I was fighting the Christian battle for 26 before true understanding of the kingdom was revealed to me. Now 3yrs free of Christianity and preaching the kingdom everyday! PS there is no Christian in Heaven just the saints of God!
I think you missed the point about the kingdom of heaven. Jesus was inviting the ppl to become a citizen and to become a citizen you have to accept him. That’s the Christian teachings and when your life here is over your residence will be in tha prepared place. I don’t know what we shall be like but it’s going to be a community of overwhelming joy and laughter
Totally agree; Holy scripture declares it so
No Scott, you have rather missed the whole point, Accepting Jesus as your saviour is the same as embracing the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven was Jesus in flesh. The Kingdom of Heaven is not a PLACE WE GO TO. IT IS A WAY OF LIFE WE ENTER IN. AND IT STARTS RIGHT ON THIS EARTH AND HAS TO REMAIN ON EARTH. THIS IS THE MANDATE OF JESUS AND OUR MANDATE OUR DESTINY. GOD WANTS TO RULE ON EARTH THROUGH HIS CHARACTER IN MEN ON THIS EARTH. We call this Character or Image, The Kingdom of Heaven or Christ Jesus.
Amen and again I say Amen 🙏
Same thing for me, such a freedom when God revealed the Kingdom message to me .. Christianity is bondage, and not of God
And sorry whom are the saints of you read the original Greek language NT in Acts it speaks of Christ followers being called christians by other non believers. Also we are told to wear this name with pride. I gather being a Christian for 26 years never meant anything to you if you “found freedom” in some other kind of religion lol ? 🤦🏼♀️
It’s more than just believing in Our Lord Jesus Christ. For the demons also believe, and tremble and fear Jesus, and yet they cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven/God, because they lack meekness, mercy, and they do not joy in the holy spirit, therefore the kingdom of God will only come to those who seek to be merciful, humble, and who seek to be peacemakers, for the kingdom of heaven is righteousness, peace and joy in the holy spirit. Therefore, as we believe in who Jesus is, we must also seek the kingdom of heaven. Remember Jesus will say to some depart from me you that work iniquity, I don’t know you. We must enter into a narrow gate and after entering we must walk the narrow path, which only a few can do. Many will be able to enter into the wide gate and walk the wide path which will lead them to destruction. Therefore seek frist the kingdom of heaven; righteousness, peace, and joy in the holy spirit
Salvation is accepting the equalization caused by Jesus at cross
You cannot save anyone. Period. It’s God who saves. His salvation is not unconditional, it’s pegged to you following ALL his laws, including the Sabbath (saturday)
Save yourself and stop dreaming
I Thesalonians 4:13-18 does define the place called Heaven for the believer of Christ Jesus. In your writing you are only defining the New Jerusalem that happens after the rapture, tribulation, and Great White Throne Judgement. You fail to discuss Christ Crucified. Amen
I have faith l am going to Heaven. What do l have to lose for believing what l was taught to believe. I had much rather be right than to ignore the Faith l have of an Eternal Home. Nobody can make me believe anything else.
“What can we do to alleviate people from the bondage of religion.” Through kingdom advancement
I can not associate Christany with bandage in any shape or form. God gives us free will, so there is no “bondage”. It my choice, your choice to see and believe or not see. If you believe this rock we call Earth just happened to be at the perfect distance from the sun and all life sprung up by its self, and the nature of animals like baby ducks know at birth to follow in-line behind their parents is just convenience… Not only these things I mentioned but look around. That noted too, evil people calling them selves Christians have slottered millions for control… maybe that’s the “bondage” you see? These using Christany to control the weak for personal reasons I don’t need to get into. Don’t follow religions, follow God’s Laws “First”, Not laws made by man.
This is the Greatest message and first ever message Jesus preached.
The forerunner of Messiah, John the baptist in Mathew 3:1-2 recorded first talking
“In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea
and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.””
Then Jesus himself first ever preaching in the Bible recorded in Mathew 4:17
“From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.””
Exactly the same message like John.
Kingdom of heaven is not a myth is real Kingdom with citizens and a King our Lord.
Earth has substituted Kingdom of God with religion and is most tragic state ever
Enter the Kingdom please.
For more assistance take book called ” Kingdom citizenship by Dr. Myles Munroe ” that’s will takes you out of binds of this thing ” religion”
Religion makes you a member Kingdom makes you a legal citizen and citizen has power not a member
…and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come
This Kingdom on earth not about in heaven
So the Kindom of God is in you and what God’s will in the earth, and one of the will is help others
You are correct, and you tell the truth which most will not except. For the kingdom of God is within you, its nothing that you can see, said Jesus. The kingdom of heaven is righteousness, peace and joy in the holy spirit, which the believer should seek first and then God will add to us our needs to survive on this Earth. ” Many will come in my name saying that I am Christ and shall deceive many.” We should read the scriptures and pray that the holy spirit will reveal the truth and give us an understanding of God’s Word.
Where’s the rest of this? And he promised that some of them ..??? What?? It stops right there! Like seriously
Interesting take. Can’t it be both. I think the kingdom of heaven is both a mental state and an actual place. I can you can say that the kingdom of heaven is a mental state that “qualifies” you for the actual place.
I like your explanation because I told my husband something similar & that is, that we are to “seek Jesus first’ & therefore “live” his gospel while on Earth accepting his salvation for us, thus living w/him eternally in spirit only!
I’ve known heaven since I was a child it’s another dimension where we’re out of reach from the devil. The world is a breeding ground of evil and not a safe place for us. It’s our parents who brought us here not God but God can keep us safe while we’re here
Please carefully read the scripture. In Genesis, the beginning of creation everything G-d created He said was good, right? Well, read again the passage about heaven. Take note of day 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6. They were good. Day 6 was good and very good. Notice I did not mention day 2. Why, what was done on day 2? Why is it different? I don’t have the answer. It’s just an observation.
What a great observation to study
The creation of day 2 was finished on day 3 there you have that it is “good”. Note that at the end of day 3 there is another “good”.
want to under more about the kingdom of God
The kingdom of God or heaven or paradise is where God’s will is done.
If God’s will is done in your heart and soul you are part of his kingdom here
on earth and you are already a citizen of His kingdom which exists in another
realm and which you will enter when He calls you home at your death.
I really like your explanation of the Kingdom of Heaven! It’s similar to mine but is clearer!
Kingdom of God must be preached together with Jesus Christ saves and he will lead you to reside in there.
Just recently I began to think that the Kingdom of Heaven, as referred to in the New Testament, is here and not necessarily after we died.
The Lord’s prayer reads: “Thy will be done, ON EARTH Aas it is in heaven.”
I researched in the Bible where it says “The Kingdom of heaven or the Kingdom of God” then began to search for the meanings by other people’s perspectives and found this article to be the simplest explanation that I could find. THANK YOU!
According to Daniel 2:44, God’s Kingdom is a real government that will replace all other governments and will cause God’s will to be done in heaven and on earth. Jesus taught his disciples to pray for God’s Kingdom to accomplish this. (Matthew 6:9, 10) The Kingdom is in heaven and the ruler of the Kingdom, Jesus, is in heaven, but the Kingdom will rule over the earth. (Revelation 5:10)