
Catholic Church and climate change: Why Catholics care about climate change
Healthy Planet, Healthy People petition: Overcoming obstacles for 1,600 signatures in Vietnam
Young psychologist promotes Laudato Si’
6 prayer intentions for the climate crisis
Top 5 2021 Season of Creation Highlights
Argentine cartoonists tell of their ecological conversion and seek to spread the word to other young people
What is COP26?
Pope Francis to industries: Stop destroying forests and mountains
South Africa Bishop Phalana latest Catholic leader to sign Healthy Planet, Healthy People petition
IEA 2021 World Energy Outlook: What to expect?
LAUDATO SI’ MOVEMENT STATEMENT on fossil fuel expansion in Africa and the International Energy Agency (IEA) World Energy Outlook (WEO) 2021
Pope Francis wants us to be ‘missionary disciples’ in action
The Season of Creation 2021 concluded with an ecumenical prayer service
Laudato Si’ Encounter October
My ecological conversion: a garden story
Prophetic advocacy in climate policy spaces
Laudato Si’ Movement leaders participate in Vatican dialogue focused on ‘Just Transition’
Season of Creation in reception and welcoming places with the Laudato Si’ Circle in Vallesusa
SoC in Barcelona: ‘We are all needed and no one can be left behind’

Pope Francis, faith leaders sign joint appeal before UN climate summit
Laudato Si’ inspires Don Mimmo to write ‘Si sta a terra’