Dov’è il tuo tesoro?

Unisciti al crescente movimento delle istituzioni cattoliche e delle persone che vivono i propri valori disinvestendo dai combustibili fossili.

 la necessaria transizione verso energie pulite, come quella eolica, quella solare, abbandonando i combustibili fossili, non sta procedendo abbastanza velocemente (LD, 55)

Disinvesti i tuoi soldi dai combustibili fossili

“Sappiamo che le cose possono cambiare!” (Laudato Si’ 13).

Perché dovremmo disinvestire dai combustibili fossili?

Un mondo alimentato da energia pulita, sana, sostenibile e accessibile a tutti è possibile. Viene costruito ogni giorno dai crescenti investimenti nelle energie rinnovabili. Questa è un’entusiasmante trasformazione che sta accelerando in tutto il mondo!
Se continuiamo a investire in combustibili fossili inquinanti e distruttivi per il clima, questo cambiamento necessario non può avvenire. I poveri soffrono per primi il peggio degli impatti climatici mentre stiamo assistendo ai cambiamenti nella nostra casa comune, dalle inondazioni in Pakistan a un tifone in Alaska a un uragano senza precedenti che colpisce Porto Rico e la Florida a ondate di caldo, incendi boschivi e altro ancora .
Questo è il motivo per cui i cattolici e le persone di buona volontà nel mondo stanno disinvestendo dai combustibili fossili guidando questa trasformazione

La mia organizzazione perderà denaro disinvestendo?

Le istituzioni cattoliche che hanno il privilegio di gestire asset finanziari spesso fanno affidamento su rendimenti costanti. La buona notizia è che disinvestire dai combustibili fossili è una decisione finanziaria sana e prudente. I manager riconoscono i crescenti rischi degli investimenti in combustibili fossili. Il crescente rifiuto di combustibili fossili da parte dei governi mondiali significa che gli asset dei combustibili fossili saranno bloccati e questi investimenti stanno perdendo valore. D’altra parte, i progetti di energia rinnovabile sono redditizi e molto necessari.

Ci sono già istituzioni cattoliche che hanno disinvestito?

Controlla qui l’elenco delle istituzioni che hanno già disinvestito: contattaci, e ti aiuteremo mettendoti in contatto con una di queste.
Country Name of institution
AngolaComissão Arquidiocesana de Justiça e Paz de Luanda
AngolaComissão de Justiça e Paz e Migrações da CEAST
ArgentinaCapítulo Argentina - Movimiento Católico Mundial por el Clima
ArgentinaColegio de Graduados en Cooperativismo y Mutualismo
ArgentinaFundación DeCyR
ArgentinaOng Ambiental Cima
ArgentinaPotencialidades y Centro de Paz Jardín del Corazón
ArgentinaRAAD Red Argentina de Ambiente y Desarrollo
AustraliaAustralian Jesuits
AustraliaCaritas Australia
AustraliaCatholicCare Sandhurst
AustraliaChristian Life Community Australia
AustraliaCLC Australia
AustraliaInstitute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea
AustraliaJustice and Peace Office, Archdiocese of Sydney
AustraliaMarist Sisters
AustraliaMissionary Society of St Columban
AustraliaPresentation Congregation Queensland
AustraliaPresentation Sisters Wagga Wagga
AustraliaPresentation Society of Australia and Papua New Guinea
AustraliaRebuilding, Mind, Body and Spirit
AustraliaSisters of Charity of Australia
AustraliaThe Passionists–Holy Spirit Province
AustriaArchdiocese of Salzburg
AustriaArchdiocese of Vienna
AustriaAustrian Bishops Conference
AustriaBankhaus Schelhammer & Schattera
AustriaCoordination Office of the Austrian Episcopal Conference for International Development and Mission
AustriaDiocese of Eisenstadt
AustriaDiocese of Feldkirch
AustriaDiocese of Graz-Seckau
AustriaDiocese of Gurk-Klagenfurt
AustriaDiocese of Innsbruck
AustriaDiocese of Linz
AustriaDiocese of St. Pölten
AustriaMilitary diocese of Austria
BangladeshEpiscopal Commision for Justice and Peace
BangladeshFranciscan Friars TOR Society
BelgiumAbdij OLV van Nazareth
BelgiumAfrica Europe Faith and Justice Network
BelgiumBroederlijk Delen
BelgiumCOMECE – Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union
BelgiumDochters der Liefde Filles de la Charité
BelgiumEpiscopal Conference of Belgium
BelgiumGasthuiszusters Augustinessen van Leuven
BelgiumJesuit European Social Centre
BelgiumJustice et paix Belgique
BelgiumKU Leuven - Université catholique de Louvain
BelgiumMissionarissen van Scheut
BelgiumNetwerk Rechtvaardigheid en Vrede
BelgiumOikocredit Belgium
BelgiumPax Christi Vlaanderen
BelgiumSisters Clarissen of Ostend
BelgiumSisters of Charity of Jesus & Mary
BelgiumVicariaat Vlaams-Brabant – Mechelen
BelgiumZusters van de Bermhertigheid
BelgiumZusters van Maria
BrazilDiocese de São José dos Campos
BrazilDiocese of the Holy Spirit of Umuarama in Paraná
BrazilEscola de Fé e Política Waldemar Rossi
BrazilInstituto Amsur
BrazilInstituto das Religiosas do Sagrado Coração de Maria (Religious Institute of the Sacred Heart of Mary)
CameroonCentre Baba Simon/Movimento dei Focolari
CameroonTertiary Sisters of Saint Francis
CanadaArtist caring environmentally/Artist Against Fracking
CanadaCongregation of Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada
CanadaInstitut Notre-Dame du Bon Conseil de Montréal
CanadaJesuit Province in Upper Canada
CanadaOur Lady's Missionaries
CanadaScarboro Missions
CanadaThe Catherine Donnelly Foundation
CanadaUrsulines of Chatham
ChileParroquia Sto. Tomás Apóstol de Choapa, El Tambo
ColombiaConfederación Interamericana de Educación Católica - CIEC
ColombiaSICSAL – Servicio Internacional Cristiano de Solidaridad con los pueblos de América Latina «Óscar Romero»
ColombiaSicsal Colombia - COVIDA20
Czech RepublicŽít Laudato si' Česká republika
EcuadorSecretariado Latinoamericano MIEC-JEC
FijiArchdiocese of Suva
FranceCCFD - Terre Solidaire
FranceChrétiens unis pour la Terre
FranceCommunauté Mission de France
FranceSecours Catholique
GermanyBank für Kirche und Caritas eG
GermanyBank im Bistum Essen eG
GermanyDKM Darlehnskasse Münster eG
GermanyPax Christi Düren
GermanyPaxBank eG
GermanySteyler Ethik Bank
GreeceCatholic Church in Greece
IndiaCaritas India
IndiaIndian Catholic Matters
IndiaSociety of Jesus Mary Joseph - Raipur Province
IndiaTamil Nadu Catholic Youth Movement
IndonesiaArchdiocese of Semarang
InternationalMercedarias Misioneras de Berriz
InternationalReligious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
InternationalSchool Sisters of Notre Dame
InternationalThe Mission Congregation of the Servants of the Holy Spirit
InternationalUnion of Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
IrelandArchdiocese of Armagh / St Patrck's Archdiocean Trust Limited
IrelandArchdiocese of Cashel and Emly
IrelandBalally parish
IrelandCarmelite Monastery of Immaculate Heart of Mary - Delgany
IrelandChristian Brother Edmund Rice Trust Fund
IrelandChristian Brothers European Province
IrelandCloyne Diocese
IrelandCongregation of Sisters of Mercy Western Province
IrelandCongregation of the Sisters of Mercy, Southern Province
IrelandCongregational Leadership of the Sisters of Mercy
IrelandCreedon Educational Trust
IrelandDiocese of Clogher
IrelandDiocese of Elphin
IrelandDiocese of Kildare & Leighlin
IrelandDiocese of Killala
IrelandDiocese of Kilmore
IrelandDiocese of Meath
IrelandDiocese of Ossory
IrelandEnglish Province of the Congregation of Christian Brothers
IrelandHierarchy General Purposes Trust
IrelandIrish Catholic Bishops’ Conference
IrelandLittle Company of Mary, Irish Province
IrelandMarino Institute of Education Trust Fund
IrelandMercy International Association
IrelandMissionary Sisters of St Columban
IrelandMonastery of St Alphonsus
IrelandPresentation Sisters, English Province
IrelandPresentation Sisters, North East Province
IrelandPresentation Sisters, South West Unit
IrelandRosminians Institute of Charity CLG
IrelandSisters of Mercy, Northern Province
IrelandSisters of Our Lady of Apostles
IrelandSisters of St. Joseph of Chambery
IrelandSocial Justice Ireland
IrelandSt.Patrick Missionary Society
IrelandThe Congregation of Christian Brothers in Northern Ireland
IrelandThe Order of St Augustine - Irish Province
IrelandTrinity College Dublin
ItalyAdorers of the Blood of Christ
ItalyAggiornamenti Sociali
ItalyALTIS Graduate School Business & Society of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
ItalyArchdiocese of Naples
ItalyArchdiocese of Napoli
ItalyArchdiocese of Palermo
ItalyArchdiocese of Panamá
ItalyArchdiocese of Salerno-Campagna-Acerno
ItalyArchdiocese of Siracusa
ItalyArchdiocese of Vercelli
ItalyAssociazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII
ItalyAzione Cattolica Italiana (Italian Catholic Action)
ItalyCaritas Italy
ItalyDiocese of Ancona
ItalyDiocese of Assisi
ItalyDiocese of Caserta
ItalyDiocese of Civitavecchia and Tarquinia
ItalyDiocese of Gubbio
ItalyDiocese of Padua
ItalyDiocese of Pescara
ItalyDiocese of Savona Vado
ItalyDiocese of Savona – Noli
ItalyFederation of Christian Organisations for the International Voluntary Service FOCSIV
ItalyFocolare Movement
ItalyFondazione MAGIS
ItalyGreenaccord onlus
ItalyGruppo Missionario Arsego
ItalyInternational Forum of Catholic Action
ItalyItalian Jesuits
ItalyJPIC Commission USG-UISG
ItalyLega consumatori
ItalyMission Congregation of the Servants of the Holy Spirit (SSpS)
ItalyMovimento Cristiano Lavoratori
ItalyPro Civitate Christiana
ItalyRete Interdiocesana Nuovi Stili di Vita
ItalySacro Convento
ItalySalesian Sisters of Don Bosco - Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Milan and Naples
ItalySardegna Film Commission
ItalySerafico Institute
ItalySiloe Monastic Community
ItalyWorld Union of Catholic Women's Organisations
JerseyLaudato Si Group - Caritas Jersey
KenyaAMECEA – Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa
KenyaCapuchin Charities, Kenya
KenyaCatholic University of Eastern Africa
KenyaCatholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa
KenyaCharles Mukururo/Joint Learning Initiative on Faith & Local Communities
KenyaFranciscan Servants of Mary Queen of love
KenyaHuman Life International
KenyaJesuit Conference of Africa - Justice and Ecology Office
KenyaLittle Sisters of St. Joseph
KenyaReligious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
KenyaSisters of Mercy Learning and Spiritual Centre
LesothoTechnologies for the Economical Development
LuxembourgArchdiocese of Luxembourg
MalawiGo Green Save Environments
MalaysiaCreation Justice Commission
MaltaArchdiocese of Malta
MexicoCEDEHU – Centro de Desarrollo Humano
MexicoVasco de Quiroga: Presencia en el Siglo XXI
MyanmarKaruna Mission Social Solidarity (KMSS) - Caritas Myanmar
NepalCaritas Nepal
NetherlandsPassionists of Holy Hope Province Netherlands
NigeriaArchdiocese of Jos
NigeriaCatholic Laity Council of the Archdiocese of Jos
NigeriaInternational Association of World Peace Advocates
NigeriaLaity Council of Nigeria
NigeriaSmiling Simon Greenbuild Foundation
NorwayCaritas Norway
PakistanWorld Apostolate of Fatima
PeruInstituto de Desarrollo, Educación de Proyectos Andinos Sostenible Perú - IDEPAS PERÚ
PeruParroquia Cristo Misionero del Padre
PeruProclade Perú-Bolivia
PhilippinesCatholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines
PhilippinesConrado Tejada
PhilippinesDiocese of San Carlos
PhilippinesEnvironmental Science For Social Change
PortugalJustice and Peace National Commission
República DominicanaGrupo ecológico Salesiano ECOMA
RwandaLay Dominicans
ScotlandDiocese of Aberdeen
ScotlandDiocese of Argyll and the Isles
ScotlandDiocese of Galloway
ScotlandScottish Catholic Bishops' Conference
ScotlandScottish Catholic International Aid Fund
Sierra LeoneSierra Leone Young Christian Student movement
SingaporeCaritas Singapore
South AfricaArchdiocese of Cape Town
South AfricaCatholic Welfare and Development
SpainAsociación de Permacultura ATTA Alimenta También Tu Alma
SpainAsociación Molocan, Cooperatismo Integral
SpainDiocese of Vitoria
SpainHermanitas de la Asunción
SpainNuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro
SpainSitges Solidari
Sri LankaClaretian Missionaries
SwitzerlandJesuit Refugee Service Switzerland
ThailandCaritas Asia
UgandaDominican Sisters of mary
UgandaKikandwa Environmental Association
UgandaTrees for Uganda
UgandaYouFra Uganda
UkraineCathedral of the Blessed Virgin
UkraineChurch of Saints Joachim and Anna of the Ukrainian
UkraineChurch of St. Dmitry
UkraineChurch of St. Michael the Archangel
UkraineChurch of St. Nicholas
UkraineChurch of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin
UkraineChurch of the Epiphany
UkraineChurch of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin
UkraineChurch of the Transfer of the Relics of St. Nicholas
UkraineDormition of the Blessed Virgin
UkraineParish of St. John the Theologian
UkraineParish of St. Michael the Archangel
UkraineParish of the Epiphany of the Lord
UkraineParish of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin of the UGCC
UkraineSt. Michael the Archangel Parish
UkraineThe Church of Joseph the Blind
UkraineThe Church of the Holy Spirit
UkraineThe Parish of the UGCC of the Holy Spirit
UkraineThe Religious Order of St. Andrew of UGCC
UkraineUGCC Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin
United KindgomDurham university
United KingdomArchdiocese of Birmingham
United KingdomArchdiocese of Glasgow
United KingdomArchdiocese of Southwark
United KingdomArchdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh
United KingdomCAFOD
United KingdomCatholic Action for Animals
United KingdomColumban Missionaries Britain
United KingdomCongregation of Jesus, English Province
United KingdomCongregation of Our Lady, Canonesses of St Augustine
United KingdomCongregation of the Sisters of Nazareth Generalate
United KingdomDaughters of the Holy Spirit (England and Ireland Province)
United KingdomDiocese of Arundel & Brighton
United KingdomDiocese of Brentwood
United KingdomDiocese of Dunkeld
United KingdomDiocese of Hallam
United KingdomDiocese of Lancaster
United KingdomDiocese of Leeds
United KingdomDiocese of Middlesbrough
United KingdomDiocese of Motherwell
United KingdomDiocese of Paisley
United KingdomDiocese of Portsmouth
United KingdomFranciscan Sisters Minoress
United KingdomFriars Minor in Great Britain
United KingdomInstitute of Our Lady of Mercy
United KingdomJesuits in Britain
United KingdomMill Hill Missionaries (British Region)
United KingdomMissionary Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception
United KingdomNewman University
United KingdomReligious of the Assumption - England
United KingdomReligious Sisters of Charity, English/Scottish Province
United KingdomSisters of St Josephs of Peace (UK Province)
United KingdomSisters of the Cross and Passion
United KingdomSisters of the Holy Cross (English Province)
United KingdomSisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux
United KingdomSociety of the Sacred Heart (England and Wales Province)
United KingdomSt Joseph’s Province of the Congregation of the Passion–English Province of the Passionists
United KingdomSt Mary of the Angels J&P Group
United KingdomSt Mary's University, Twickenham
United KingdomThe Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul, Province of Rosalie Rendu (Britain and Australia)
United KingdomThe Sisters of St Andrew in England
United StatesAssociation of U.S. Catholic Priests
United StatesBenedictine Sisters of Erie, Inc.
United StatesCatholic Charities Diocese of Stockton
United StatesCatholic Parish cluster St Pius, St. Mary, St. Anthony
United StatesCatholic Theological Society of America
United StatesCenter for Action and Contemplation
United StatesChurch Women United in New York State
United StatesCongregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace
United StatesCreighton University
United StatesEmmaus Ministries
United StatesFADICA – Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities
United StatesFranciscan Action Network
United StatesFranciscan Friars-Holy Name Province
United StatesFranciscan Sisters of Mary
United StatesGeorgetown University
United StatesLoyola Marymount University
United StatesLoyola University
United StatesMarquette University
United StatesMGR Foundation
United StatesMidwest Province of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
United StatesSeattle university
United StatesSisters of Charity of Nazareth
United StatesSisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
United StatesSisters of Loretto
United StatesSisters of Saint Francis
United StatesSisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand, Indiana
United StatesSisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt
United StatesSociety of Jesus
United StatesSSM Health
United StatesTrillium Asset Management, LLC
United StatesUniversity of Dayton
United StatesUniversity of San Francisco
United StatesUniversity of St. Thomas
United StatesWater Tech Alliance
United StatesWheaton Franciscan Sisters, Daughters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
Vatican CityBrethren of Blessed Mary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Vatican CityCaritas Internationalis
ZambiaChileshe Kandeta
ZambiaFranciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa

Concretamente, cosa implica il disinvestimento?

Una volta che un’istituzione sa quale settore non vuole più sostenere, il disinvestimento può essere semplice come scrivere un elenco di “screening negativo”, ovvero un elenco di società o tipi di società a cui non vuole essere legata, e fare in modo che i loro gestori patrimoniali esterni seguano queste linee guida.

Può essere un po’ più ampio ed escludere le società esposte all’industria dei combustibili fossili, come istituti finanziari, compagnie assicurative o industrie che lavorano a stretto contatto con le aziende che sviluppano nuovi progetti sui combustibili fossili.

Utilizza gli esempi seguenti per iniziare a pensare a cosa ha senso per la tua istituzione:

La congregazione X ha un contratto con la società di gestione patrimoniale GFT. Fanno affidamento sui rendimenti per finanziare il pensionamento delle loro sorelle più anziane. Il loro accordo attuale implica che il loro portafoglio non può includere alcuna forma di attività legata alle industrie legate alla guerra e ad altre questioni sociali.

Negoziano un nuovo accordo con una nuova esclusione: i combustibili fossili. Entro 2 anni, il loro portafoglio sarà privo dei prodotti finanziari legati ai combustibili fossili.

L’organizzazione laica Y non lavora con un gestore patrimoniale: possiede solo un immobile, e semplici prodotti finanziari gestiti dalla propria banca,oltre a un conto corrente. La loro banca è nota per il finanziamento di nuove centrali a carbone.
Cambiano banca per una banca etica e si impegnano a non possedere alcun asset relativo all’industria dei combustibili fossili in futuro.
La diocesi di Z ha un patrimonio ricco, gestito da diversi appaltatori e internamente. Volendo essere allineati con l’insegnamento sociale cattolico, si impegnano a disinvestire dall’industria più inquinante e ad avviare il lavoro per le proprie attività finanziarie interne.
Negoziano con i loro gestori patrimoniali, stabiliscono una tempistica chiara. Dopo 3 anni, alla fine lasciano uno dei loro gestori patrimoniali riluttante ad attuare la nuova politica.


Risorse Cattoliche

Leggi l’argomentazione cattolica per il disinvestimento dai combustibili fossili

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