Dov’è il tuo tesoro?
Unisciti al crescente movimento delle istituzioni cattoliche e delle persone che vivono i propri valori disinvestendo dai combustibili fossili.
la necessaria transizione verso energie pulite, come quella eolica, quella solare, abbandonando i combustibili fossili, non sta procedendo abbastanza velocemente (LD, 55)
Disinvesti i tuoi soldi dai combustibili fossili
Perché dovremmo disinvestire dai combustibili fossili?
La mia organizzazione perderà denaro disinvestendo?
Ci sono già istituzioni cattoliche che hanno disinvestito?
Country | Name of institution | |
Angola | Comissão Arquidiocesana de Justiça e Paz de Luanda | |
Angola | Comissão de Justiça e Paz e Migrações da CEAST | |
Argentina | Capítulo Argentina - Movimiento Católico Mundial por el Clima | |
Argentina | Colegio de Graduados en Cooperativismo y Mutualismo | |
Argentina | Fundación DeCyR | |
Argentina | Ong Ambiental Cima | |
Argentina | Potencialidades y Centro de Paz Jardín del Corazón | |
Argentina | RAAD Red Argentina de Ambiente y Desarrollo | |
Argentina | RELAI | |
Australia | Australian Jesuits | |
Australia | Caritas Australia | |
Australia | CatholicCare Sandhurst | |
Australia | Christian Life Community Australia | |
Australia | CLC Australia | |
Australia | Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea | |
Australia | Justice and Peace Office, Archdiocese of Sydney | |
Australia | Marist Sisters | |
Australia | Missionary Society of St Columban | |
Australia | Presentation Congregation Queensland | |
Australia | Presentation Sisters Wagga Wagga | |
Australia | Presentation Society of Australia and Papua New Guinea | |
Australia | Rebuilding, Mind, Body and Spirit | |
Australia | Sisters of Charity of Australia | |
Australia | The Passionists–Holy Spirit Province | |
Austria | Archdiocese of Salzburg | |
Austria | Archdiocese of Vienna | |
Austria | Austrian Bishops Conference | |
Austria | Bankhaus Schelhammer & Schattera | |
Austria | Coordination Office of the Austrian Episcopal Conference for International Development and Mission | |
Austria | Diocese of Eisenstadt | |
Austria | Diocese of Feldkirch | |
Austria | Diocese of Graz-Seckau | |
Austria | Diocese of Gurk-Klagenfurt | |
Austria | Diocese of Innsbruck | |
Austria | Diocese of Linz | |
Austria | Diocese of St. Pölten | |
Austria | Military diocese of Austria | |
Bangladesh | Episcopal Commision for Justice and Peace | |
Bangladesh | Franciscan Friars TOR Society | |
Belgium | Abdij OLV van Nazareth | |
Belgium | Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network | |
Belgium | Broederlijk Delen | |
Belgium | COMECE – Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union | |
Belgium | Dochters der Liefde Filles de la Charité | |
Belgium | Episcopal Conference of Belgium | |
Belgium | Gasthuiszusters Augustinessen van Leuven | |
Belgium | Jesuit European Social Centre | |
Belgium | Justice et paix Belgique | |
Belgium | KU Leuven - Université catholique de Louvain | |
Belgium | Missionarissen van Scheut | |
Belgium | Netwerk Rechtvaardigheid en Vrede | |
Belgium | Oikocredit Belgium | |
Belgium | Pax Christi Vlaanderen | |
Belgium | Salvatorianen | |
Belgium | Sisters Clarissen of Ostend | |
Belgium | Sisters of Charity of Jesus & Mary | |
Belgium | Vicariaat Vlaams-Brabant – Mechelen | |
Belgium | Welzijnszorg | |
Belgium | Zusters van de Bermhertigheid | |
Belgium | Zusters van Maria | |
Brazil | Diocese de São José dos Campos | |
Brazil | Diocese of the Holy Spirit of Umuarama in Paraná | |
Brazil | Escola de Fé e Política Waldemar Rossi | |
Brazil | Espiritanos | |
Brazil | Instituto Amsur | |
Brazil | Instituto das Religiosas do Sagrado Coração de Maria (Religious Institute of the Sacred Heart of Mary) | |
Cameroon | Centre Baba Simon/Movimento dei Focolari | |
Cameroon | Tertiary Sisters of Saint Francis | |
Canada | Artist caring environmentally/Artist Against Fracking | |
Canada | Congregation of Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada | |
Canada | Institut Notre-Dame du Bon Conseil de Montréal | |
Canada | Jesuit Province in Upper Canada | |
Canada | Our Lady's Missionaries | |
Canada | Scarboro Missions | |
Canada | The Catherine Donnelly Foundation | |
Canada | Ursulines of Chatham | |
Chile | Parroquia Sto. Tomás Apóstol de Choapa, El Tambo | |
Colombia | Confederación Interamericana de Educación Católica - CIEC | |
Colombia | SICSAL – Servicio Internacional Cristiano de Solidaridad con los pueblos de América Latina «Óscar Romero» | |
Colombia | Sicsal Colombia - COVIDA20 | |
Czech Republic | Žít Laudato si' Česká republika | |
Ecuador | PASTORAL CUMBE | |
Ecuador | Secretariado Latinoamericano MIEC-JEC | |
Fiji | Archdiocese of Suva | |
France | CCFD - Terre Solidaire | |
France | Chrétiens unis pour la Terre | |
France | Communauté Mission de France | |
France | Oekologia | |
France | Secours Catholique | |
Germany | Bank für Kirche und Caritas eG | |
Germany | Bank im Bistum Essen eG | |
Germany | DKM Darlehnskasse Münster eG | |
Germany | Pax Christi Düren | |
Germany | PaxBank eG | |
Germany | Steyler Ethik Bank | |
Greece | Catholic Church in Greece | |
India | Caritas India | |
India | Indian Catholic Matters | |
India | Society of Jesus Mary Joseph - Raipur Province | |
India | Tamil Nadu Catholic Youth Movement | |
Indonesia | Archdiocese of Semarang | |
International | Mercedarias Misioneras de Berriz | |
International | Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus | |
International | School Sisters of Notre Dame | |
International | The Mission Congregation of the Servants of the Holy Spirit | |
International | Union of Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Ireland | Archdiocese of Armagh / St Patrck's Archdiocean Trust Limited | |
Ireland | Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly | |
Ireland | Balally parish | |
Ireland | Carmelite Monastery of Immaculate Heart of Mary - Delgany | |
Ireland | Christian Brother Edmund Rice Trust Fund | |
Ireland | Christian Brothers European Province | |
Ireland | Cloyne Diocese | |
Ireland | Congregation of Sisters of Mercy Western Province | |
Ireland | Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy, Southern Province | |
Ireland | Congregational Leadership of the Sisters of Mercy | |
Ireland | Creedon Educational Trust | |
Ireland | Diocese of Clogher | |
Ireland | Diocese of Elphin | |
Ireland | Diocese of Kildare & Leighlin | |
Ireland | Diocese of Killala | |
Ireland | Diocese of Kilmore | |
Ireland | Diocese of Meath | |
Ireland | Diocese of Ossory | |
Ireland | English Province of the Congregation of Christian Brothers | |
Ireland | Hierarchy General Purposes Trust | |
Ireland | Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference | |
Ireland | Little Company of Mary, Irish Province | |
Ireland | Marino Institute of Education Trust Fund | |
Ireland | Mercy International Association | |
Ireland | Missionary Sisters of St Columban | |
Ireland | Monastery of St Alphonsus | |
Ireland | Presentation Sisters, English Province | |
Ireland | Presentation Sisters, North East Province | |
Ireland | Presentation Sisters, South West Unit | |
Ireland | Rosminians Institute of Charity CLG | |
Ireland | Sisters of Mercy, Northern Province | |
Ireland | Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles | |
Ireland | Sisters of St. Joseph of Chambery | |
Ireland | Social Justice Ireland | |
Ireland | St.Patrick Missionary Society | |
Ireland | The Congregation of Christian Brothers in Northern Ireland | |
Ireland | The Order of St Augustine - Irish Province | |
Ireland | Trinity College Dublin | |
Ireland | Trocaire | |
Italy | Adorers of the Blood of Christ | |
Italy | Aggiornamenti Sociali | |
Italy | ALTIS Graduate School Business & Society of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore | |
Italy | Archdiocese of Naples | |
Italy | Archdiocese of Napoli | |
Italy | Archdiocese of Palermo | |
Italy | Archdiocese of Panamá | |
Italy | Archdiocese of Salerno-Campagna-Acerno | |
Italy | Archdiocese of Siracusa | |
Italy | Archdiocese of Vercelli | |
Italy | Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII | |
Italy | Azione Cattolica Italiana (Italian Catholic Action) | |
Italy | Caritas Italy | |
Italy | Diocese of Ancona | |
Italy | Diocese of Assisi | |
Italy | Diocese of Caserta | |
Italy | Diocese of Civitavecchia and Tarquinia | |
Italy | Diocese of Gubbio | |
Italy | Diocese of Padua | |
Italy | Diocese of Pescara | |
Italy | Diocese of Savona Vado | |
Italy | Diocese of Savona – Noli | |
Italy | Federation of Christian Organisations for the International Voluntary Service FOCSIV | |
Italy | Focolare Movement | |
Italy | Fondazione MAGIS | |
Italy | Greenaccord onlus | |
Italy | Gruppo Missionario Arsego | |
Italy | International Forum of Catholic Action | |
Italy | Italian Jesuits | |
Italy | JPIC Commission USG-UISG | |
Italy | Lega consumatori | |
Italy | MASCI | |
Italy | Mission Congregation of the Servants of the Holy Spirit (SSpS) | |
Italy | Movimento Cristiano Lavoratori | |
Italy | Nomadelfia | |
Italy | Pro Civitate Christiana | |
Italy | Rete Interdiocesana Nuovi Stili di Vita | |
Italy | Sacro Convento | |
Italy | Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco - Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Milan and Naples | |
Italy | Sardegna Film Commission | |
Italy | Serafico Institute | |
Italy | Siloe Monastic Community | |
Italy | World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations | |
Jersey | Laudato Si Group - Caritas Jersey | |
Kenya | AMECEA – Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa | |
Kenya | Capuchin Charities, Kenya | |
Kenya | Catholic University of Eastern Africa | |
Kenya | Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa | |
Kenya | Charles Mukururo/Joint Learning Initiative on Faith & Local Communities | |
Kenya | Franciscan Servants of Mary Queen of love | |
Kenya | Human Life International | |
Kenya | Jesuit Conference of Africa - Justice and Ecology Office | |
Kenya | Little Sisters of St. Joseph | |
Kenya | Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus | |
Kenya | Sisters of Mercy Learning and Spiritual Centre | |
Lesotho | Technologies for the Economical Development | |
Luxembourg | Archdiocese of Luxembourg | |
Malawi | Go Green Save Environments | |
Malaysia | Creation Justice Commission | |
Malta | Archdiocese of Malta | |
Mexico | CEDEHU – Centro de Desarrollo Humano | |
Mexico | Vasco de Quiroga: Presencia en el Siglo XXI | |
Myanmar | Karuna Mission Social Solidarity (KMSS) - Caritas Myanmar | |
Nepal | Caritas Nepal | |
Netherlands | Passionists of Holy Hope Province Netherlands | |
Nigeria | Archdiocese of Jos | |
Nigeria | Catholic Laity Council of the Archdiocese of Jos | |
Nigeria | International Association of World Peace Advocates | |
Nigeria | Laity Council of Nigeria | |
Nigeria | Smiling Simon Greenbuild Foundation | |
Norway | Caritas Norway | |
Pakistan | World Apostolate of Fatima | |
Peru | Instituto de Desarrollo, Educación de Proyectos Andinos Sostenible Perú - IDEPAS PERÚ | |
Peru | Parroquia Cristo Misionero del Padre | |
Peru | Proclade Perú-Bolivia | |
Philippines | Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines | |
Philippines | Conrado Tejada | |
Philippines | Diocese of San Carlos | |
Philippines | Environmental Science For Social Change | |
Portugal | Justice and Peace National Commission | |
República Dominicana | Grupo ecológico Salesiano ECOMA | |
Rwanda | Lay Dominicans | |
Scotland | Diocese of Aberdeen | |
Scotland | Diocese of Argyll and the Isles | |
Scotland | Diocese of Galloway | |
Scotland | Scottish Catholic Bishops' Conference | |
Scotland | Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund | |
Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone Young Christian Student movement | |
Singapore | Caritas Singapore | |
South Africa | Archdiocese of Cape Town | |
South Africa | Catholic Welfare and Development | |
Spain | Asociación de Permacultura ATTA Alimenta También Tu Alma | |
Spain | Asociación Molocan, Cooperatismo Integral | |
Spain | Diocese of Vitoria | |
Spain | Hermanitas de la Asunción | |
Spain | Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro | |
Spain | Sitges Solidari | |
Sri Lanka | Claretian Missionaries | |
Switzerland | Jesuit Refugee Service Switzerland | |
Thailand | Caritas Asia | |
Uganda | Dominican Sisters of mary | |
Uganda | Kikandwa Environmental Association | |
Uganda | Trees for Uganda | |
Uganda | YouFra Uganda | |
Ukraine | Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin | |
Ukraine | Church of Saints Joachim and Anna of the Ukrainian | |
Ukraine | Church of St. Dmitry | |
Ukraine | Church of St. Michael the Archangel | |
Ukraine | Church of St. Nicholas | |
Ukraine | Church of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin | |
Ukraine | Church of the Epiphany | |
Ukraine | Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin | |
Ukraine | Church of the Transfer of the Relics of St. Nicholas | |
Ukraine | Dormition of the Blessed Virgin | |
Ukraine | Parish of St. John the Theologian | |
Ukraine | Parish of St. Michael the Archangel | |
Ukraine | Parish of the Epiphany of the Lord | |
Ukraine | Parish of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin of the UGCC | |
Ukraine | St. Michael the Archangel Parish | |
Ukraine | The Church of Joseph the Blind | |
Ukraine | The Church of the Holy Spirit | |
Ukraine | The Parish of the UGCC of the Holy Spirit | |
Ukraine | The Religious Order of St. Andrew of UGCC | |
Ukraine | UGCC Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin | |
United Kindgom | Durham university | |
United Kingdom | Archdiocese of Birmingham | |
United Kingdom | Archdiocese of Glasgow | |
United Kingdom | Archdiocese of Southwark | |
United Kingdom | Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh | |
United Kingdom | CAFOD | |
United Kingdom | Catholic Action for Animals | |
United Kingdom | Columban Missionaries Britain | |
United Kingdom | Congregation of Jesus, English Province | |
United Kingdom | Congregation of Our Lady, Canonesses of St Augustine | |
United Kingdom | Congregation of the Sisters of Nazareth Generalate | |
United Kingdom | Daughters of the Holy Spirit (England and Ireland Province) | |
United Kingdom | Diocese of Arundel & Brighton | |
United Kingdom | Diocese of Brentwood | |
United Kingdom | Diocese of Dunkeld | |
United Kingdom | Diocese of Hallam | |
United Kingdom | Diocese of Lancaster | |
United Kingdom | Diocese of Leeds | |
United Kingdom | Diocese of Middlesbrough | |
United Kingdom | Diocese of Motherwell | |
United Kingdom | Diocese of Paisley | |
United Kingdom | Diocese of Portsmouth | |
United Kingdom | Franciscan Sisters Minoress | |
United Kingdom | Friars Minor in Great Britain | |
United Kingdom | Institute of Our Lady of Mercy | |
United Kingdom | Jesuits in Britain | |
United Kingdom | Mill Hill Missionaries (British Region) | |
United Kingdom | Missionary Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception | |
United Kingdom | Newman University | |
United Kingdom | Religious of the Assumption - England | |
United Kingdom | Religious Sisters of Charity, English/Scottish Province | |
United Kingdom | Sisters of St Josephs of Peace (UK Province) | |
United Kingdom | Sisters of the Cross and Passion | |
United Kingdom | Sisters of the Holy Cross (English Province) | |
United Kingdom | Sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux | |
United Kingdom | Society of the Sacred Heart (England and Wales Province) | |
United Kingdom | St Joseph’s Province of the Congregation of the Passion–English Province of the Passionists | |
United Kingdom | St Mary of the Angels J&P Group | |
United Kingdom | St Mary's University, Twickenham | |
United Kingdom | The Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul, Province of Rosalie Rendu (Britain and Australia) | |
United Kingdom | The Sisters of St Andrew in England | |
United States | Association of U.S. Catholic Priests | |
United States | Benedictine Sisters of Erie, Inc. | |
United States | Catholic Charities Diocese of Stockton | |
United States | Catholic Parish cluster St Pius, St. Mary, St. Anthony | |
United States | Catholic Theological Society of America | |
United States | | |
United States | Center for Action and Contemplation | |
United States | Church Women United in New York State | |
United States | Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace | |
United States | Creighton University | |
United States | Emmaus Ministries | |
United States | FADICA – Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities | |
United States | Franciscan Action Network | |
United States | Franciscan Friars-Holy Name Province | |
United States | Franciscan Sisters of Mary | |
United States | Georgetown University | |
United States | Loyola Marymount University | |
United States | Loyola University | |
United States | Marquette University | |
United States | MGR Foundation | |
United States | Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) | |
United States | Seattle university | |
United States | Sisters of Charity of Nazareth | |
United States | Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
United States | Sisters of Loretto | |
United States | Sisters of Saint Francis | |
United States | Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand, Indiana | |
United States | Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt | |
United States | Society of Jesus | |
United States | SSM Health | |
United States | Trillium Asset Management, LLC | |
United States | University of Dayton | |
United States | University of San Francisco | |
United States | University of St. Thomas | |
United States | Water Tech Alliance | |
United States | Wheaton Franciscan Sisters, Daughters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary | |
Vatican City | Brethren of Blessed Mary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel | |
Vatican City | Caritas Internationalis | |
Zambia | Chileshe Kandeta | |
Zambia | FMSA | |
Zambia | Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa |
Concretamente, cosa implica il disinvestimento?
Può essere un po’ più ampio ed escludere le società esposte all’industria dei combustibili fossili, come istituti finanziari, compagnie assicurative o industrie che lavorano a stretto contatto con le aziende che sviluppano nuovi progetti sui combustibili fossili.
Utilizza gli esempi seguenti per iniziare a pensare a cosa ha senso per la tua istituzione:
Negoziano un nuovo accordo con una nuova esclusione: i combustibili fossili. Entro 2 anni, il loro portafoglio sarà privo dei prodotti finanziari legati ai combustibili fossili.
Cambiano banca per una banca etica e si impegnano a non possedere alcun asset relativo all’industria dei combustibili fossili in futuro.
Negoziano con i loro gestori patrimoniali, stabiliscono una tempistica chiara. Dopo 3 anni, alla fine lasciano uno dei loro gestori patrimoniali riluttante ad attuare la nuova politica.
Risorse Cattoliche
Leggi l’argomentazione cattolica per il disinvestimento dai combustibili fossili
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