Matthew 18, 21:35

In today’s Gospel, Matthew shows us the powerful parable of the unforgiving servant. While this story revolves around the themes of mercy, forgiveness, and compassion, it also holds deep implications for our ecological consciousness and the imperative of ecological conversion.

In the parable, a servant is forgiven an enormous debt by his master, only to refuse to show mercy to a fellow servant with a much smaller debt. This prompts the master to condemn the unforgiving servant, reminding us of the interconnectedness between mercy and accountability.

In the realm of ecological conversion, this parable invites us to reflect on our collective role as stewards of creation. Pope Francis, in Laudato Si’, challenges us to understand our interconnectedness with all living beings, stating that “Everything is related, and we human beings are united as brothers and sisters on a wonderful pilgrimage, woven together by the love God has for each of his creatures and which also unites us in fond affection with brother sun, sister moon, brother river and mother earth.” (LS 92). Our capacity for mercy and forgiveness towards one another mirrors our responsibility to show mercy towards the Earth.

The unforgiving servant’s actions also underscore the destructive consequences of a lack of compassion. Similarly, our disregard for the environment and unsustainable practices lead to the degradation of ecosystems, loss of biodiversity, and climate crises. This parable reminds us that a lack of care for creation is ultimately a refusal to acknowledge the interconnectedness of all life forms and to honor the Creator’s design.

The call to ecological conversion resonates with the concept of forgiveness highlighted in this passage. Just as forgiveness necessitates a heart transformation, ecological conversion requires a fundamental shift in our relationship with the environment. By recognizing our past actions, seeking forgiveness for ecological harm, and committing to restorative action, we embrace a path of transformation that brings healing to both the Earth and our human family.

As we reflect on the parable of the unforgiving servant, let us remember that our journey toward ecological conversion embodies mercy and reconciliation. Just as we are called to extend compassion and forgiveness to one another, we are also called to extend it to the Earth, recognizing that our flourishing is intricately tied to the flourishing of the entire creation. May our actions, rooted in ecological awareness and compassion, serve as a testimony to our commitment to a world that reflects God’s mercy, justice, and love.

Let justice and peace flow!